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# Axioms and CI implication After [installing `CInet::Tools`](/install), you can start the program `CImake`: ``` console $ CImake 0> ``` This presents you with a REPL (read-eval-print loop) for you to enter Perl code, similar to [`polymake`]. The REPL is just an interface to a standard Perl interpreter with all the CInet modules loaded. ## Counting, enumerating and symmetry reduction Using `CInet::Tools`, axioms for CI structures can easily be written down. A *semigraphoid* is a set of conditional independence statements which is closed under the following boolean formula $$ (ij|L) \wedge (ik|jL) \Rightarrow (ik|L) \wedge (ij|kL) $$ for any distinct $i, j, k$ and a set $L$ disjoint from $ijk$. The module [`CInet::Propositional`] provides syntactic sugar which allows us to define semigraphoids in a similarly succinct fashion: ``` console 0> propositional Semigraphoids = cube (ijk|L) -> (ij|L) & (ik|jL) => (ik|L) & (ij|kL); # time=00:00.00 ``` Some remarks about this line are in order since it deviates from usual Perl code. It uses the powerful [`Keyword::Declare`] module to hijack the Perl parser and add our own syntax extensions. In this case, the `propositional` keyword switches from the usual Perl parser to our own, which understands a math-like syntax for CI axioms. The other remark concerns terminology around `cube`s. By pure coincide, the faces of the $n$-dimensional hypercube $C_n$ index many important concepts in the theory of conditional independence structures. Its points (vertices) correspond to subsets of $[n]$ and therefore to subvectors of a random vector. Its edges (1-faces) are described by non-empty subsets with a distinguished element. We use $(i|L)$ to denote the edge that goes from vertex $L$ to vertex $iL$, whenever $i \not\in L$. Edges index elementary functional dependence statements. Lastly, squares (2-faces) are similarly indexed by $(ij|L)$ where $i \not= j$ and $L \cap ij = \emptyset$. This symbol corresponds to the 2-face with vertices $L, iL, jL, ijL$ and it indexes an elementary conditional independence statement. The part `cube (ijk|L)` in the above statement specifies that the following axioms require distinct atoms $i,j,k$ and an arbitrary disjoint subset $L$ of the ground set. The axioms given after the arrow `->` will be replicated for every such $3$-face of the $n$-cube. The result of this statement in our `CImake` environment is that it defines a function `Semigraphoids` which can be called with a ground set argument. This results in a sequence ([`CInet::Seq::Propositional`]) to be created for dealing with the set of all semigraphoids on that ground set. This sequence has a SAT solver ([`CInet::ManySAT`]) attached which allows to efficiently test membership, count or enumerate all elements. ``` console 1> Semigraphoids(3)->count 22 # time=00:00.01 2> Semigraphoids(4)->count 26424 # time=00:00.03 ``` The symmetric group $S_n$ acts on the ground $[n]$ and it induces an action on the cube $C_n$ and its face lattice which preserves the dimension of each face. In particular, there is a resulting action on CI structures as sets of 2-faces. This symmetry is implemented in `CInet::Symmetry`. The sequence object generated by `Semigraphoids` can be reduced modulo this symmetry using the following built-in function: ``` console 3> Semigraphoids(4)->modulo(SymmetricGroup)->count 1512 # time=00:00.35 ``` This still takes less than a second to compute! Semigraphoids are also closed under the entire symmetry group of the $n$-cube, also known as the hyperoctahedral group $B_n$. This is implemented as well: ``` console 4> Semigraphoids(4)->modulo(HyperoctahedralGroup)->count 629 # time=00:00.82 ``` Our final note about axioms in this tutorial is that axiom systems like `Semigraphoid` can be reused. *Graphoids* are semigraphoids which also fulfill the intersection axiom. ``` console 5> propositional Graphoids = cube(ijk|L) -> Semigraphoids, (ij|kL) & (ik|jL) => (ij|L) & (ik|L); 6> Graphoids(4)->count 6482 # time=00:00.11 ``` If a graphoid also satisfies upwards stability and weak transitivity, then it is an undirected graphical model. Due to faithfulness of these models, the following is a very roundabout way of counting undirected graphs: ``` console 7> propositional UndirectedGraphs = cube(ijk|L) -> Graphoids, (ij|L) => (ij|kL), (ij|L) => (ik|L) | (jk|L); 8> 0+ UndirectedGraphs(4)->count 64 # time=00:00.02 9> 0+ UndirectedGraphs(5)->count 1024 # time=00:00.16 10> 0+ UndirectedGraphs(6)->count 32768 # time=00:25.02 ``` The last line took 25 seconds to execute! Recall that the `->count` method uses an exact model counter (or \#SAT solver), in this case the program `dsharp`, on the boolean formula assembled from the given axioms. One piece of advice from years of using SAT solvers: It is sometimes more efficient to *enumerate* all solutions to the formula using an AllSAT solver --- especially when the number of solutions is comparatively small --- and to count the elements in the result set. This can work because counters and enumerators use very different algorithms and sometimes the enumeration strategy is more powerful against a given formula. ``` console 11> 0+ UndirectedGraphs(6)->list 32768 # time=00:02.30 ``` ## Conditional independence implication Many basic families of CI structures can be defined axiomatically. In this case, SAT solvers can be used to compute CI statements which are implied by the axioms and additional CI assumptions. This is known as the conditional independence implication problem for the family under consideration. The families considered above are already provided by the [`CInet::Propositional::Families`](/doc/CInet::Propositional::Families) module which is automatically loaded by `CImake`. Families defined using the `propositional` mechanism have implication testing methods built into them. To check if $(12|3) \wedge (13|4) \wedge (14|2) \Rightarrow (12|)$ holds modulo the gaussoid axioms, simply execute: ``` console 12> my $p = CIR(4, [[1,2],[3]], [[1,3],[4]], [[1,4],[2]]) *0****0**0************** 13> Gaussoids->imply($p => [[1,2],[]]) "" # time=00:00.01 ``` The `CIR` function creates a [`CInet::Relation`](/doc/CInet::Relation) which is used to represent a CI structure. This structure holds the premises of the query. The `imply` method is then used to check if the statements in `$p` and the gaussoid axioms together imply `(12|)`. The result is a "no" in this case and is reached in just 10ms. Note that this is rule (20) in [[LM07]](#LM07). It is an implication which is valid for regular Gaussian distributions but which cannot be derived from the gaussoid axioms. On the other hand, let's consider an instance of the long semigraphoid derivation sequences in [[Mat02]](#Mat02). The function `L` defined in the file `` quoted below constructs the sequence $\mathcal{L}_n$ of CI structures defined in the paper. It is shown there that in order to derive the consequence $(12|3n)$ from $\mathcal{L}_n$ one needs to perform $2^{n-2}-1$ inference steps with the semigraphoid axioms. The SAT solver is keeping up well solving all tasks from $n = 4, \dots, 10$ in about 4 seconds. (This includes the time required to construct $\mathcal{K}_n$ from which $\mathcal{L}_n$ is extracted.) ``` console 14> do './' 15> map Semigraphoids->imply(L($_) => [[1,2],[3,$_]]), 4 .. 10 (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) # time=00:04.25 ``` ``` perl # use Modern::Perl 2018; use CInet::Tools; # Return the vertex set of 𝓚_n ordered according to the connected components. # The first two elements are the first isolated edge. Then every triple is a # connected component and the last two elements are an isolated edge again. # # The ordering of these vertices is crucial. It is from left to right just as # in Matúš's pictures. This allows us to easily recurse (the construction can # be seen as a kind of grey code) and to extract the substructure 𝓛_n below. sub K { my $n = shift; if ($n == 4) { return ( [[1,2],[3]], [[1,3],[]], [[1,3],[2]], [[1,2],[]], [[2,4],[1]], [[2,4],[]], [[1,2],[4]], [[1,3],[2,4]], [[1,3],[4]], [[1,2],[3,4]] ); } else { my @prev = K($n-1); return ( @prev, [[2,$n],[1,3,$n-1]], [[2,$n],[3,$n-1]], reverse map { [$_->[0], [$_->[1]->@*, $n]] } @prev ); } } sub L { my $n = shift; my @comps = K $n; CIR($n, $comps[0], $comps[1], @comps[map { 4+3*($_-1) } 1 .. (@comps-4)/3] ) } ``` ## References * <a name="Stu05">[Stu05]</a> M. Studený: *Probabilistic conditional independence structures*. Springer (2005). * <a name="LM07">[LM07]</a> R. Lněnička and F. Matúš: *On Gaussian conditional independence structures*. Kybernetika 43:3 (2007). * <a name="Mat02">[Mat02]</a> F. Matúš: *Lengths of semigraphoid inferences*. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 35 (2002). [`polymake`]: [`CInet::Propositional`]: /doc/CInet::Propositional [`CInet::ManySAT`]: /doc/CInet::ManySAT [`CInet::Seq::Propositional`]: /doc/CInet::Seq::Propositional [`Keyword::Declare`]: